Thursday. I have been orginizing an OVC 'camp' through Life Line Child Line. This is me training the facilitators on how to work with children and on what they have 2
present the next day.
Sitting in my hammok after work, watching a storm blow over the river into Angola.
Saturday. Helping Red Cross shovel manure for thier garden.
Friday. Helping NGO with camp for orphans.
Friday. Kids at Red Cross center.
Helping to 'mud! Was a ton of fun.
We had to carry the clay quite a distance up hill through the bush to the house. It took six trips like this to finish four small sections.
Digging clay for the walls. Of course its the women who come to work first. And trust me, this was hard work!
My second objective for the trip was to check the progress of the house and to do anything I could to motivate the community to finish it.
The flood is coming.
Caught hike with WFP and FAO. They had to stop in villages to gauge the approching flood water. This place came up several feet overnight.
My main mission on this trip is to put up cell phone antennas so that volunteers can make emergency medical calls. I hitchhiked with three big boxes.
Hiking with volunteer.
Caught hike with three Africaaners. They finished a bottle and a half of brandy in about 4 hours.
Big funeral. A funny story is involved. Will post it one of these days.
Volunteer and his supervisor at clinic.
Old watertank with beautiful tree.
Volunteer with supervisor.
Visiting volunteers with PC.
Rainy day at the office. Again.
Home sweet home!
Got a very nice hike.
Traveling with a slaughtered hippo.
Picking guava with the kids.
Me helping 2 build volunteer house.
Volunteer - Jeff Kennedy. Building his hut.
Volunteer - health
Unloading reeds for volunteer fence.
Volunteer house
Volunteer in action.
30 min later, and 7 more people in the car
My travel kit
Hiking in back of truck.
Huge roach
Volunteer house
Griffin and Thea
Health volunteer holding a community meeting.
Waiting for a hike.
Volunteer house
In her garden
Visiting gardens
Chili farm 2-4-08 10am
The river
Rundu market
Chaz and Margreth
Coffin dealing
The Rundu office