Sunday, April 27, 2008


Todays catch equals tonights dinner.


colleen said...

Hi Patrick,

Kevin just forwarded your blog to me so I got to catch up on "how it has been". Amazing stuff. I am so intrigued by all that you are doing.
It is cool that your have helped build mud huts- after a huge price tag from the builders in this area to build my Healing Cottage, which obviously I did not have the cash for- I have started researching building a, you guessed it, mud building. Here they call them cob buildings, very similar to the Welsh, Irish and English mud huts. We shall see how that goes.
Great to see all your photos and I send you love and support what you are doing.

Much love,
Aunt Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,
Colleen forwarded you to me. Very cool stuff!!! I'm sure the photos do not do these places justice. You will remember everything in full color for a long time to come, as the people you have met will remember you for a long time also.
Take care and watch out for those crocs!

Cousin Emily